Place: Morilles Altos.

Soils: Fine limestone-siliceous alberos of tosca hojaldrada and Oligocene origin.

Viticulture: Surface tillage of the soil. Organic fertilizer after harvest. Training on trellis and pruning in Royat cordon, seeking balance and low yield in plants to obtain fruit concentration. Ecological handling.

Variety: Pedro Ximenéz.

Harvest date: August 28th, 2020.

Elaboration: Fermentation in 500 L French oak barrels. Aged on lees with batonnâge for 10 months.

Number of bottles produced: 1,180 bottles.

D.O.P Montilla-Moriles

13% VOL.
75 cl.
8 - 9ºC


Gold at sight. On the nose, mineral notes, dried stone fruits and apricot. Vertical and mineral in the mouth, caressed by a subtle volume. Lingering finish and memories of pastries.



The winter of 2020 had a dry start, preceded by an autumn with little rain and mild temperatures. The spring temperatures of February and March advanced budding by an average of two weeks, thus advancing the entire phenological cycle. In spring and summer, the rain was also scarce, registering an accumulated precipitation that did not reach 400 mm. The high temperatures arrived soon, already in June maximums exceeded 40 degrees. The rain of the second week of August gave a respite to the vineyard, which recovered a little strength, to continue feeding and progressively maturing its fruits. Finally, the high temperatures of the last week of August provoked an early harvest, as expected.

Water stress due to high temperatures and low rainfall marked this vintage of low production and accelerated maturation. This climatology contributes to the obtaining of concentrated Pedro Ximénez grapes with a certain warmth and character.